A Royal Birth Announcement
“I bring you good news of great joy…
a Savior has been born to you.”
(Luke 2:10-11)
Long before Jesus Christ’s birth, the prophet Isaiah saw a heavenly vision and recorded these words for the people of Israel: “For to us a child is born; to us a son is given…he will reign on his Father’s throne” (Isaiah 9:6a, 7c). Israel waited 700 long years for the promised royal baby’s birth to become a reality.
“God came” is the message of the Gospels. The Incarnation, God in the flesh, is not just a mystery; it’s a miracle! It is also a prophecy fulfilled and a promise kept. While Caesar was counting his people, God was actually becoming one. God no longer called to us; He came to us as a baby. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14)
The Messiah’s royal birth announcement was delivered by an angelic host and entrusted to outcast workers on the night shift. Poor shepherds were the first to hear the good news and quickly accepted the angel’s invitation to come and see the One who would eventually secure our salvation by living a perfect life and dying on a cross. Once the shepherds saw their Savior, they quickly shared the good news with others. (Luke 2:17)
A Savior is born! Not just a child; not just a son; and not just a king (Isaiah 9:6-7), but a Savior! That message is still good news that brings great joy for all those who put their faith and trust in Christ.
What if all of us followed the shepherds’ example and actually heard and acted on the good news of the gospel; made peace with God; conquered our fears; beheld, not just the babe in the manger, but the King of Kings; and moved from observing the Gospel message to proclaiming it?
This Christmas as we celebrate with family and friends; sing Christmas songs of deliverance and praise; and worship God for Who is and What He has done, may we all “come and see” and then "go and tell" the good news of the Gospel. A Savior is born! God has come not just to us; but for us.
Rejoice in your rescue!