Alexa, Can You Hear Me?

"Hear my voice when I call, O Lord; be merciful to me and answer me." Psalm 27:7 (NIV)

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It never fails. Each year there's always a standout Christmas gift which no one could have predicted would the THE gift by which we remember that particular Christmas. Thirty-two years after the fact, Bruce still remembers (not fondly for sure!) the Lite Brite toy that we assembled for two pre-schoolers at 2 AM one Christmas morning. Most years, it's anybody's guess which gift will "hit the home run" as Coach Dunn used to say. This year our youngest son Daniel got the award for hitting the Christmas gift home run.

Several weeks before Christmas while still in Virginia, Daniel called to let me know he had ordered a package from Amazon and having it shipped to our home. "Don't open it," he said. "It's a present for James Bruce and I'll open it when I get home for Christmas." The gift arrived as did Daniel's other Christmas purchases. I just kept stacking boxes in his old room. When I asked him about James Bruce's gift, Daniel simply replied, "You'll see."

Christmas Eve came and it was finally time to open our family gifts. James Bruce got his usual assortment of movie DVDs, music, stuffed animals, and clothes. When he opened his present from Daniel, we all took turns asking, "What is it?" as we looked at the small black round circle.

"It" turned out to be an Echo Dot, a term totally unfamiliar to everyone in our family except Daniel. An Echo Dot is an Amazon wireless device that connects to Alexa, a cloud based voice service that can provide information, play music, read the news, set alarms, and control smart home devices. It can even connect to Amazon's web site and order products from Amazon.

"I'm hoping with a little work we can teach James Bruce to play his own music," Daniel explained.

And so our Alexa adventure began. Daniel led the way demonstrating to all of us how to both get Alexa's attention and give her commands.

"Alexa, play Sandy Patti songs," Daniel commanded. Alexa responded by shuffling and ultimately playing songs sung by Sandy Patti.

"Alexa, play Amy Grant songs," Daniel continued. And wonder of wonders, Alexa played and kept playing Amy Grant songs.

Daniel then went to work trying to teach James Bruce how to use the device. Patiently, he tried to get James Bruce to say, "Alexa." James Bruce still has trouble pronouncing his "L's." The best he could do was "Awexa." Would it be close enough? No one knew until he tried. Mercifully, Alexa is smart enough to recognize "Awexa." We were relieved and impressed, but still unsure if JB would ever master the sequencing required to activate his Alexa request.

Daniel persevered and I prayed. We knew we were making progress when we heard James Bruce in the living room, bent over the Echo Dot, saying "Awexa, can you hear me?" Do you understand? Play Amy Grant NOW!"

From the kitchen, I smiled in relief and thanksgiving. Relief that James Bruce can actually use the device; thanksgiving for the child who gave the gift and the Giver who continues to give us grace and mercy in time of need. I whispered a grateful "Thank you" prayer. Then I suddenly realized that James Bruce's Alexa approach is often the way I approach prayer with God as in "God, can you hear me? Do you understand????? Do ___________ now!"

I don't know about you, but I often give God more prayer commands- do this, fix that, heal X- than actual petitions. And it's not just about petitions, it's actually about posture; putting myself in control as God and treating him as if He is my Alexa. Instead, I need to be more like Alexa- the one who listens well and obeys quickly.

James Bruce still has some work to do with Alexa. And I still have much work to do on prayer.

Amen and Amen,


Catalog: Prayer
