Best News Ever

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." Romans 1:16 (NIV)


Pastor Sam Storms posted two really good articles last week on The Gospel Coalition (TGC) website. Both of Storms' articles dealt with reasons why most Christians stink at evangelism. Storms' first article listed twelve common reasons that help explain why we are reluctant to share our Christian faith. Storms' second article was written after readers followed up with what they felt was THE number one reason we don't share the good news of the gospel of Christ: We don't really understand it. And for those few who do, we sometimes find it difficult to articulate and communicate what the gospel really is.

Sam Storms' follow-up article dated 6/12/19 has been really helpful to me as I prepare the teaching material for a women's fall Bible study on Romans. In his opening sentences of this great pastoral epistle, the Apostle Paul makes three" I am" statements regarding his passion for and commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul writes:

  • I am obligated (to the gospel) 1:14

  • I am eager to preach the gospel 1:15

  • I am not ashamed of the gospel 1:16

Most of us probably could say Paul's three "I am" statements, but how many of us actually live our lives from them?  I'm sharing some highlights of Sam Storms' article, that have helped me in my understanding of the gospel. You can find the entire article at

"Most Christians live in an "if/then" relationship with God. If I do what is right, then God will love me, If I give extra money to missions, then God will provide me a raise at work. If I avoid sinful habits, then I will be spared suffering and humiliation, etc. It's a conditional relationship that is based on the principle of merit. The gospel calls us to live in a "because/therefore" relationship with the Lord. Because we have been justified by faith in Christ, therefore we have peace with God (Romans 5:1). Because Christ died for us, therefore we are forgiven. Because Christ has fulfilled the law in our place, therefore we are set free from its demands and penalty, etc. This is an unconditional relationship that is based on the principle of grace. The difference between these two perspectives is the difference between religion ("if/then") and the gospel ("because/therefore"). The "religious" life is not the "gospel-centered" life.

As we think about our responsibility towards the gospel, let us never forget what it is and what it isn't. The gospel is the gloriously great good news of what God has done in the incarnation, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ to satisfy his own wrath and to secure the forgiveness of sins and perfect righteousness for all who trust in him by faith alone. From this I want to draw the following truths:

  1. The gospel is not what God requires. The gospel is what God provides.

  2. The gospel is not an imperative, demanding things you must do. The gospel is an indicative, declaring things that God has done.

  3. The gospel is not about human action. The gospel is about divine achievement.

  4. The gospel is not a moralistic Do! The gospel is a merciful Done!"

Most of us living in the Bible Belt would probably be able to define the gospel as good news. Sam Storms defines it as "gloriously great good news." The lyrics from Mercy Me's latest hit captures the essence of the gospel: Best News Ever! It's hard to keep good news a secret. How much more so, the best news ever. May all of us live as Paul lived: bound, eager, and unashamed to proclaim the Best News Ever!