Caroline’s Lasting Legacy

“The prayer of a righteous man
is powerful and effective.”
James 5:16 (NIV)

Caroline Montgomery (1908-1985) was an extraordinary prayer warrior for our church and left a lasting legacy built on a life of willing, eager, and faithful prayer. Whenever Caroline consented to pray for someone, that person remained on her prayer list for two years.

Barbara Barker, our founding pastor’s wife once told me, “Frank was fervently praying that God would somehow use Briarwood Church to reach Birmingham and then reach the world for Christ. We were meeting each Sunday back then in the front part of a Cahaba Heights dry cleaners. Caroline Montgomery joined Frank on his knees and prayed that prayer. Bless her heart! Caroline actually believed that God would answer their prayers and He did!”

That small group by God’s grace eventually grew to a mega-church with over 4000 members and multiple ministries that include a Christian K-12 school; a local seminary; a thriving global Campus Outreach ministry; a ballet company ; and much more.

Our church felt a deep loss when Caroline Montgomery died in 1985. So great was her impact that when Briarwood moved to our current campus in 1986 and acquired the Bissell home as part of the property, our Women’s Ministry and Session voted to name the “Caroline House” in her memory.

I never knew Caroline Montgomery personally, but I continue to be blessed by her life and legacy of faithful prayer. Each time the Caroline House doors are opened for a bridal tea, Bible study, fellowship dinner, prayer breakfast, or evangelistic outreach event, Caroline Montgomery’s prayers are answered. I can’t count the number of times I’ve stood at the Caroline House kitchen sink washing dishes from an event, looked out across our large church campus and whispered a grateful, “Thank you!” to both God and Caroline.

This week the Briarwood Women’s Ministry hosted our annual Christmas at the Caroline House tour. More than a decorator’s showcase, the Caroline House serves as a hospitality hub for reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Each CCH tour guest received an Advent devotional to guide them, not just through the house, but through the upcoming holidays. Beginning with Gabriel’s incarnation announcement to Mary, the Caroline House tour and Advent devotional follow Jesus’ birth, death, resurrection, and ascension.

Most of us don’t usually consider the cross and Easter as we approach Christmas. But Jesus was born to die, not for His sins, but for ours. Dr. Sinclair Ferguson writes, “Jesus’ incarnation becomes clear only in his resurrection. Christmas needs Easter if it is to make sense. Without the resurrection, the entire story ends in confusion…A resurrection-less gospel is no gospel at all.” (1 Corinthians 15:12-19)

All of the photos in today’s post were taken from our 2021 Christmas at the Caroline House event and created by volunteers who followed Caroline Montgomery’s example of faithful service.

Thank you, Caroline for your faithful prayers, life, and legacy. “Though dead, yet by her faith (s)he still speaks.” (Hebrews 11:4) Thank you, God for answered prayers!  And many thanks to Holly Hollon for providing the beautiful photos in today’s post.