Wrapping Up Christmas

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“The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 6:23b

The week after Christmas is always spent taking down and packing up Christmas decorations. It’s also the time for me to reflect and wrap up the Christmas we just experienced. My time during Advent is spent preparing my heart and home for the celebration of Christ’s birth, but the week after Christmas is spent reflecting on faith, family, and food.

Those three elements came together last Wednesday night as our family of 12 gathered to share dinner and Christmas presents. The gifts I received were priceless.

Our youngest son Daniel and his wife Olivia traveled from their home in New York to spend Christmas week with us. Olivia and Daniel gave us the gift of their presence. Because of the Covid pandemic, we hadn’t seen them since last Christmas. Daniel and Olivia also gave us the gift of service. Somehow during their week’s stay, they managed to secretly scan and digitalize some 3500 Evans family photos formerly housed in our basement.  The result of their labor is an electronic Evans photo history of our lives together that we can now all access, share, and enjoy.

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My daughter Meredith and her family gave us the gifts of joy and laughter as my granddaughters delighted in presents, games, and “Mimi” punch (everyone’s favorite party food!!). Meredith’s thoughtful gifts included a journal for my writing, a new immersion blender for my cooking, and a beautiful antique silver frame for displaying my grand girls pictures. Meredith knows her Mama (and my passions!) well.

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Our oldest son Robert and his wife Anne gave me my very favorite Christmas present, a framed photo of my Daddy’s U.S. Steel work helmet resting on his farm workbench. Before we sold Daddy’s farm last summer, Robert secretly snapped that picture. With it, he captured Daddy’s work ethic and my heart. Each time I look at that photo, I am reminded of Daddy’s hard work, service, sacrifice, character and commitment to family. I am also grateful for my son’s love of family.

Together we unwrapped many other good gifts, but the gifts that matter most are the ones that can’t be wrapped:

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  • Gift of presence – we gathered together

  • Love and laughter

  • Good conversation

  • Reading the Christmas story from Luke 2

  • Happy chaos of Christmas

  • Generosity, thoughtfulness, and preparation for the gifts given

  • Gratitude for the gifts received

  • Salvation of each child and his or her spouse

  • Combined joy and sorrow as we shared family prayer requests for the coming year

  • Care and concern over James Bruce’s potential residential move to Rainbow Omega next year

Thanks to three family members’ negative Covid tests and self-imposed quarantines,  for a few hours we happily forgot about the Covid pandemic and didn’t worry about face masks or social distancing. Hugs were gratefully extended and accepted.  So many things about this year’s Christmas celebration were very different, but the important things remained. By God’s grace,

  • We celebrated Christ’s birth and our family.

  • We gave good gifts from our hearts and hands.

  • We extended grace and gratitude to each other.

  • We didn’t take the time together for granted.

As I wrap up our 2020 Christmas, only one word comes to mind: grateful. I know all too well how blessed we have been to gather together.  Much like 9/11, the 2020 Covid pandemic has been transformative in that it reminds us that life is fragile and not to be taken for granted. But I also know that God is sovereign; He reigns and rules; and He instituted holidays as holy days consecrated to him: days for remembering and celebrating Who He is and what He has done.


Wherever we are today as we pack up Christmas 2020, let’s remember to celebrate and give thanks for the greatest gift ever given:
“The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23b

Amen and Amen,