Focus and Finish

"Forgetting what is behind & straining forward toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal…"
Philippians 3:13-14 (NIV) 


"We can't keep looking back; we've got to keep looking forward...just have to focus and finish."

What is true for my husband as a high school football coach trying to keep players focused on the ultimate goal- a state championship- was certainly true of the Apostle Paul. There were many good things that Paul could have focused on- his Jewish lineage, his religion, his superb education, his status among his culture's elite, but he chose instead to focus on knowing Christ and becoming more like Him. There were also many "bad" things- baggage- that could have caused Paul to look back with regret and remorse. He persecuted Christians before he himself became a believer. He stood by and watched approvingly the stoning of Stephen. Looking back at the pain, suffering, and pain that he had inflicted on others could have rendered Paul ineffective for God's service.

Paul chose- by a commitment of his will and God's grace- to not look back at his victories or his defeats. He chose instead to live in the present and focus on what lay ahead. Paul pressed on in the present while pressing on toward heaven.

"Pressing on, focusing, and finishing well" is my prayer for this current season of my life. But it’s also a worthy goal and prayer for any life season. We can choose to put our past behind us- both successes and defeats- and keep our focus on our ultimate goal- knowing Christ and making Him known.