Good Words, Great Comfort
"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."
Psalm 23:1
Painting by Abby Little Jessup
My days with Mama are now limited to short visits. Oh, I can stay as long as I like, but Mama's tired mind and body now requires much more rest. Her short-term memory is gone and a long visit wears us both out- me emotionally, and Mama physically. Each time I visit, we read Psalm 23 and 46, two of Mama's favorites. Most days Mama can still fill in a word or two of each line in Psalm 23. Not so with Psalm 46. I read it to remind both of us, especially me, that God is indeed our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. (Psalm 46:1)
When we first began our daily Psalm 23 readings, my focus was always on Psalm 23:4:
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4)
My great desire is that God's words will bring great comfort to Mama as she gets closer and closer to death's valley. Gradually, the Psalmist's words have become my prayer, not just for Mama, but for me as well. "Lord, help us to walk unafraid, knowing that You are with us. Comfort us with your rod, your staff, and your Presence."
Psalm 23:4 is indeed a great comfort. Old Testament scholar Alec Motyer writing in his excellent book Six Ways the Old Testament Speaks Today says, "His (God's) protection surrounds us, as He goes before (v.2), walks alongside (v.4) and in goodness and love, follows behind (v6). The Shepherd who leads ahead (v.2) becomes the guardian alongside (v.4)- for the deeper the darkness, the closer the presence."
Lately, I've found my focus shifting from verse 4 to verse 1: "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want." A shepherd's job is to lead, feed, guide, and guard his sheep. A sheep's job is to listen to the Shepherd's voice and follow his lead. "All life is lived within the Shepherd's care, where the sheep is at rest and in safety. The chief virtue of a sheep is to relax, rest, and leave it to the Shepherd."
Mama isn't the only one who needs more rest. I, too, need the rest that only my Good Shepherd can supply. The Good Shepherd's voice calls from Psalm 46:10
"Be still and know that I am God."
Good words of great comfort from the Good Shepherd.