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"Jesus looked toward heaven and prayed."
John 17:1 (NIV)


By now, I'm sure that you have received all kinds of practical advice on what to do and how to prepare both physically, emotionally and spiritually for the corona virus global pandemic that is suddenly not over "there" but actually here. In many ways, a Bible Bits devotional from me feels much like "a tea cup in an ocean" in light of the counsel being dispensed by myriads of experts. Having said that, however, I want to add my two words of encouragement during this time of crisis: "EYES UP!"

I don't write those words lightly or glibly. Over the last nine months those two words have been my sacred echo as I've prepared several teaching sessions on the topics of joy and suffering. God has led me to multiple Bible verse that have pointed me to the "EYES UP" sacred echo that runs throughout the Bible. Those two words- Eyes UP- have also been my encouragement as we've navigated and prayed our way through Mama's illness and death as well as James Bruce's long term residential placement at Rainbow Omega. When his February Rainbow Omega move in date came and went without an official start date, "EYES UP" anchored my soul.

Bruce and James Bruce have both been sick all week. Bruce tested positive for Type A flu early on Tuesday morning. Throughout this week, life as we know it has changed drastically, not just in our household or family, but also in our country and the world. The changes are not just coming overnight, but often occur by the hour.  Wednesday morning as I opened my Bible to begin my daily reading in John 17, I saw the words "he looked toward heaven and prayed." I can't even begin to describe the comfort and encouragement those words brought to my mind and heart as I considered this insight: Even Jesus had to keep his eyes UP!

Setting John's words in context is important. Jesus had just finished what scholars now call the "Garden Discourse" with his disciples. Before Jesus begins praying for himself, he ended his teaching time with his disciples with these words: "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

John then records today's verse: "After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed." (John 17:1) Keep in mind this is the night before Jesus would die and he already knew all that he would suffer in-between his prayer and death by crucifixion. Yet Jesus looks toward heaven and prays. His eyes are up as is his voice, mind and heart.

President Trump has declared tomorrow as a National Day of Prayer. In his February State of the Union address to Congress, President Trump said, "We lift our voices in prayer and we raise our sights to the glory of God."  Those words echo those from King Jehoshaphat over 1500 years ago. When facing an advancing enemy army of over one million men, King Jehoshaphat prayed these words:

"Oh Lord, we don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you." 2 Chronicles 20:12 (NIV)

Let's lift our eyes, voices, hearts and hands to God tomorrow in prayer for our national and world leaders; for healthcare providers on the front lines of this battle; for businessmen navigating unprecedented supply chain disruptions; for parents and families as they care for children and the elderly; for church leaders as they shepherd flocks. You can, I'm sure, add your own requests to those just mentioned. We can choose fear or we can choose faith, but we can't choose them BOTH at the same time. 

Eyes up!