None Like Him

"Who is a God like you?"  Micah 7:18


Over the many years I've been writing Bible Bits, I've discovered the reality of Hudson Taylor's words, "God's work done God's way never lacks God's supply." A few weeks ago Garrett Kell published an article entitled The Bible in One Word on The Gospel Coalition's web site. I was finishing teaching a summer series on the Minor Prophets. Kelly's words were just what I needed for a final review lesson on the Minor Prophets. His entire post was also a great addition to my Bible Literacy Tool Kit teaching series. I am sharing the Minor Prophet portion with you today in hopes that it will encourage you as much as it has me. (Please note that bolded word summaries are my personal preferences with Kell's word summary in parenthesis) You can access all of Kell's article at this link:

Every Book of the Bible in One Word: God

God reveals himself through his Word. When he speaks, he teaches us what he is like, how he acts, and how he desires us to respond. As a whole, the Bible is about God. It’s about God the Father displaying his glory through God the Son by the power of God the Holy Spirit. The Bible is one book made up of 66 books. Each book has a major theme that emphasizes an aspect of God’s character or a way he is working to carry out his perfect plan. 


Bible: God of Jesus

  • Old Testament: Anticipation

  • Gospels: Manifestation

  • Acts: Proclamation

  • Epistles: Explanation

  • Revelation: Restoration (Consummation)

Minor Prophets

  • Hosea: God of the Unfaithful

  • Joel: God of the Locusts

  • Amos: God of the Oppressed

  • Obadiah: God of the Kingdom (Mountain)

  • Jonah: God of Compassion

  • Micah: God of Justice

  • Nahum: God of Comfort (Wrath)

  • Habakkuk: God of Sovereignty

  • Zephaniah: God of Judgment

  • Haggai: God of Renewal

  • Zechariah: God of Restoration

  • Malachi: God of Worship

And the answer to Micah's question, "Who is a God like you?" The answer, of course, is no one. We can't as limited human beings begin to fully understand the splendors of a limitless God. But we can, by his grace and for His glory, come to know him better through the study of his Word. And as we do, we must ask ourselves a critical question: "How should the knowledge that God is _______ change the way I live?" (Jen Wilkin)

There is indeed none like Him!