Punching Faith’s Replay Button

“Thus far the LORD has helped us.”
1 Samuel 7:12 (NIV)

Last week my weekly women’s Bible study was focused on Joshua 4 and God’s instructions to Israel to build a memorial stone of remembrance.  Memorial Stones are reminders that God is our Rock (Psalm 18:1), a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). A memorial stone event occurs when we face a seemingly impossible situation, but we step out in faith and obedience. God then delivers us in His own miraculous way. The result is that we get the victory; God gets the glory; and we then have “our story for His glory.”

In last week’s Bible Bits, I shared God’s miraculous provision of 1500 diapers at a critical time in our family’s life. Through the years there have been other important memorial stone events that have included two cars purchased for $1 each; three full college scholarships for Meredith, Robert, and Daniel; James Bruce’s placement for day services at United Ability; and his residential placement at Rainbow Omega. Each provision allows us to say with the prophet Samuel, “thus far the LORD has helped us.” (1 Samuel 7:12)

But I haven’t been the only one punching faith’s replay button. Our church is currently in the middle of our annual stewardship program. We are also amid an important pastoral transition. Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Harry L. Reeder III, was suddenly killed in an automobile accident on May 18, 2023. For the first time in Briarwood’s 64-year storied history, we are without a Senior Pastor.

Last week by the miracle of video technology, our congregation heard from both Dr. Frank Barker who founded and led Briarwood for 40 years and Dr. Reeder who served for 24 years. Both shared their testimonies of God’s faithfulness and generous provision as they trusted God with their financial resources, stepped out in faith, and acted in obedience. Their memorial stone stories brought some much-needed encouragement, a lot of laughter, and a few tears for our weary congregation. “By faith, though dead, they still speak,” declares the anonymous author of Hebrews. (Hebrew 11:4)

On our 50th anniversary Briarwood punched faith’s replay button by publishing To God Be the Glory, a compilation of stories recording God’s goodness, faithful provision, and work in one small group of believers who began meeting in a dry cleaner’s storefront and grew over the years to over 4000 members and 120 ministries.

One of Briarwood’s earliest memorial stone stories involved an old green chair that is still on display at the church. Frank Barker was leading a small men’s prayer group who began praying for God to open more doors for Frank to share the gospel. One week they were joined by Hilton,  an avowed skeptic.

“I don’t believe in what you’re doing,” Hilton said. “But I would like to. Frank says you pray for specific things and see specific answers to your prayers. Will you do that so I can watch?”

Per Hilton’s request, the men agreed to pray that God would fill the church meeting space the following Sunday. “Filled” meant the ushers would have to bring out the green chairs that occasionally got used for Christmas or Easter services, but never on Sunday, especially a summer Sunday.

Adding more pressure, Hilton had the men promise not to tell anyone about the prayer or to invite more people to church that Sunday than they would normally invite.

Sunday morning came and worshippers trickled in. As the service started, the church was only 2/3 full. Frank Barker stood to lead the opening prayer. Suddenly several cars turned in and more followed. It almost seemed that a parade had entered the shopping center! As Frank finally said, “Amen,” he saw ushers scrambling to get the green chairs as more people streamed through the door.

“I see they’re bringing in the green chairs!” he almost shouted.

Eight faces lit up as they saw God answer their prayer! Hilton was now convinced. Within a short time, he became a Christian and joined the men’s prayer group.

Throughout Scripture, God calls us to remember who we are in Christ; whose we are; and what He has done – in our lives, in our families, and in His Church. When was the last time you punched faith’s replay button in your own life? What are you doing to preserve your stories for God’s glory? How are you passing them on to the next generation?

To God be the glory, great things he has done!