Teddy Bear Tea Parties and Bedtime Questions

"This is what the LORD says...
I have summoned you by name; you are mine."
Isaiah 43:1 (NIV)

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We spent recently spent a wonderful week at the beach with our daughter's family. Our time together, quite literally, was a breath of fresh air in the middle of months of "Safer at Home" Covid restrictions, civil unrest, protests, uncertainty, and uncivil political discourse. There were many memorable moments, but perhaps those that most stand out in my mind and heart are the very ordinary ones: families playing together on the beach and in the water; kites flying in the sky above; seashell hunts and sand castle builds with our grand girls; fresh seafood off the boats; and even a Teddy Bear tea party. We shared card games, Dominoes, and a couple of disastrous- for me at least- rounds of Pictionary! At least my grand girls got a good laugh from my feeble Pictionary attempts.

But one moment above all others stands out for me. It came unexpectedly on the first night of our trip. My oldest granddaughter begged me to babysit so that her Mama and Daddy could go into town together and get some additional groceries. Long before we were blessed with grandchildren, I remember reading a quote that went something like, "How do you spell Love?" and the answer was "T-I-M-E." So of course, my answer was "Yes!"

Bruce graciously agreed to keep James Bruce and I found myself keeping Julia (8), Caroline(6), and Mary Clayton (21 months). The girls were all bathed and in their pj's when I arrived to keep them. The first thing they wanted to do was to take me to their rental house loft so we could have a Teddy Bear tea party. Mary Clayton's language development at 21 months is coming along and her favorite word that night was "Sit!" Each time I got up to go downstairs, Mary Clayton commanded me to "Sit! Sit!" I'm sure Mary Clayton has heard those words a few times!

Pretty soon it was the baby's bedtime, and the older girls and I went downstairs for a round of Go Fish, some stories, and bedtime prayers. As I sat down on Julia's bed, Julia got as close to me as she could before softly asking, "Mia, why do you love me so much?" The question caught me off guard, but my answer was instant.

"Because you are mine!" I responded as I hugged her tightly.

Even as I said the words, I sensed God speaking them back to me as well. 

Me: "God, why do you love me so much?"

God: "Because you are mine!"

During prayers, I reminded Julia that as much as I love her and her two sisters, that God loves her much more than I ever can or will. The Apostle John writing in his first epistle to the early Church reminded them of God's lavish love with these words:

 "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1

Wherever you are today, whatever your personal difficulties or circumstances, God's answer to your own "Why do you love me so much?" question will be the same as mine answer to Julia: "Because you are mine!" Paul's words to the Romans remind us that nothing "will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:39 (NIV)

We are loved.

Amen and Amen,