The Sameness of God

“You remain the same.”
Hebrews 1:12 (NIV)

My Women of the Covenant (WOC) Bible group continued studying in the book of Hebrews last week. As part of our current assignment,  I asked each woman to pick one verse from Hebrews that really impacted or made an impression on her personally.  In giving the assignment, I selected today’s Bible Bits verse- “You remain the same” (Hebrews 1:12) - as my verse for the week.

God’s sameness is almost incomprehensible when we experience just how fast things that seemed to be “forever” stable can actually change. For the last 17 years, Coach Nick Saban has been the face not just for University of Alabama football program, but also for the SEC and college football.  With an unprecedented seven national championships, Coach Saban represents the gold standard of college football. After he announced his retirement, however, multiple changes occurred at warp speed. Alabama’s new coach Kalen DeBoer was hired within 49 hours; over 20 Crimson Tide players suddenly entered the NCAA transfer portal; only two of Coach Saban’s assistant coaches remained on the Alabama staff; multiple five star commitments de-committed from the Alabama program; and suddenly Georgia and Texas were the alpha dogs of the SEC and college football programs. Change came quickly!

In stark contrast to the sudden moving, shifting, changing and challenging of Alabama’s football program is the sameness of God. He's eternal and unchanging. As He was yesterday, He is today, and He will be tomorrow. His unchangeability provides us with great comfort, stability, and security, especially during times of chaos and change.

The Bible actually says a lot about God's "foreverness." Consider these verses and the aspect of God's character that's described:

  •  His name   - "The LORD...this is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation." Exodus 3:15

  •  His covenant - "He remembers His covenant forever." 1 Chronicles 16:15

  •  His love - "His love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34

  •  His sovereignty and kingdom- "The LORD reigns forever." Psalm 9:7

  •  His plans - "The plans of the LORD stand firm forever." Psalm 33:11

  •  His righteousness - "His righteousness endures forever." Psalm 111:3

  •  His faithfulness - "The LORD who remains faithful forever." Psalm146:6

  •  His word - "The word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

The forever list goes on and on, but you get the idea. God NEVER changes. He who was before time, IS now, and IS to come. Everything else in our lives may change and in fact, probably will change; but God remains the same. That reality can provide stability and comfort when everything else is changing in your life at breakneck speed.

Our family’s seismic life changes over the last 23 months have included a family member’s sudden job loss; James Bruce’s unexpected death; a cross-country move for Daniel and Olivia; my breast cancer diagnosis and surgery; our beloved pastor’s sudden death; Bruce’s open-heart surgery and cardiac rehab. Yet God is still the same.  His sameness continues to be an anchor of comfort and hope in the midst of our life and death change.

All of us have different life circumstances that we could insert in answer to the question, “What is different from last year?” Covid, job changes, relationships, health, financial setbacks, loss of loved ones, and football coaches are just a few of the possibilities, but God remains the same.

Paige Brown wisely counsels us, “Fix your eyes on what you do know. Draw strength on the sameness of God in the midst of all the chaos of change. Only when we understand the sameness of God will we not remain the same.”

“He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)