Well Done, Miss June!

“Well done, good and faithful servant!”
Matthew 25:21 (NIV)

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 Sunday afternoon was a day filled with joy and sadness combined with laughter and tears. But most of all, it was a day filled with gratitude for a job well done over the last 27 years. June Cork, the Briarwood Special Connections Ministry Director, is officially retiring on September 1. Twenty-seven years is a long time in any profession, but it is especially so in the special needs world where results, rewards, and recognition are so hard to come by and difficult to measure.  To truly put June’s ministry in perspective, her 27 years of service represents 9360 hours of faithful teaching, training, and hands-on care to what most folks would consider the “least of these.” (Matthew 25:40)

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Known affectionately as “Miss June,” June Cork has been so much more than a caregiver to the Evans family. She has also been James Bruce’s Sunday School teacher, diligently pointing him to His Savior week after week. It was through Miss June’s faithful and persistent teaching that James Bruce eventually came to say, “Mama, Mama, Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins!”

Miss June has been by our side through Evans weddings, family funerals, school IEPs, day programs, therapy decisions, and even our long-term residential placement. Along the way, Miss June has been a tireless advocate and friend, not just to the Evans family, but also for many others. Miss June knows all too well that special needs “wins” are usually hard-fought battles won over years, not days.

But Miss June wasn’t the only one our Special Connections families honored last Sunday. Two other long-serving Special Connections staff were also recognized for their faithfulness and service to our kids. Mr. Darryl Sankey is also retiring after 20 years of Special Connections service, as is Mrs. Linda White with 13 years of ministry.

Darryl was recognized for his skill, craftsmanship, and professionalism in being able to manage our older special needs guys, whether he was handling a seizure or an autism meltdown. Always calm in a crisis, Darryl literally provided strength and stability to our kids as they grew older and larger.

Linda White always has a cheerful smile and is our Pied Piper of the youngest Special Connections kids. Linda and her family have the extraordinary gift of inclusion. Her biological children were not only special needs “buddies,”/volunteers at church,  but they also included our special kids in their movies/date nights, bowling, and ice cream runs. The White children took inclusion to a whole new level by having some of our children included in their own White weddings and receptions.

Together June, Darryl, and Linda represent a combined 60 years of faithful service to our children, families, and church. We are all going to miss them for sure, but Sunday was a joyous celebration and a time to recognize and honor them by saying, “Thank you!”

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Approximately 100 guests attended Sunday’s retirement reception which was hosted by fourteen grateful Moms and Dads. About 45 minutes into the party, I looked around and said, “Where did all of these people come from?” I’ve given hundreds of parties and people usually come and go. These folks were coming and staying!

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Suddenly it hit me! Special needs kids and families rarely get invited to “regular” parties or weddings. If they do, they seldom come and stay. It’s usually a “take a present, put in an appearance, and leave without incident.” Sunday was THEIR party, for THEIR beloved Miss June. Everybody there was welcome, wanted, and worth the trouble. So, they stayed! They ate, took photos, laughed, hugged, cried a little, and said “Thank you!”.

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Later as I reflected on the day, I realized that Sunday was perhaps just a glimpse of what awaits us in heaven. In the Upside-Down Kingdom of God, Jesus promises that “the first will be last and the last will be first.” (Matthew 19:30) Jesus also promises a-forever invitation to his great Wedding Supper (Revelation 19:9) for all those who put their faith in Him. I have no doubt that James Bruce will be invited to that great party where the end of death, mourning, crying, brokenness, and pain is eternally celebrated (Revelation 19:4). I also have no doubt that Miss June and her staff will also hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21)

June Cork has never married or had biological children, but she leaves a rich legacy of life and love to those she served so well. There’s really no way to adequately say, “Thank you!” for all that she has done for so many. Instead, our Special Connections families rise to bless her (Proverbs 31:28) praying, “May the Lord reward your work and your wages be full from the Lord.” (Ruth 2:12)

Well done, Miss June!