Your Story for God’s Glory

"Open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise." Psalm 51:15 (NIV)

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Today's verse has literally been my daily prayer for the last week. I've had the privilege of speaking to several women's groups across the state at retreats and holiday events. Every time I get ready to speak, I wonder why I'm there. The answer is always the same- It's "our story for His glory." James Bruce, of course, is the backdrop for most of the Evans' "God is faithful" stories.


All of us have- or should have- our own stories for His glory. You don't need 300 women for a Holiday Tablescapes event. One on one- life on life- discipleship is probably much more effective for impacting lives and telling your own story for His glory.


The holiday season is rapidly approaching. Did you ever wonder how, or why, holidays got started in the first place? The answer is simple- God designed holidays- or holy days- to be set apart or consecrated to Him. When the nation of Israel was first formed, God ordained 3 annual events to be national holy days. There was to be no work done on those days. Instead, there was to be feasting, rejoicing, celebrating, and remembering. The Israelites were instructed to remember who God is and what He has done in their nation's life. Additionally, they were to bring offerings to God in direct proportion to the blessings which they had received. In other words, they were blessed to be a blessing- both to God and to others.


What do you have that God can use? Do you have a story for His glory- a story of His faithfulness, provision, and grace? Who needs to hear it? Most of us probably respond to the first question with "I don't have anything but....." or "Nothing, except" or "only...." Our God is a God who specializes in using the "buts, onlys, and excepts" of our lives to feed a hungry and needy world. We have to be willing to use what we have and not worry about what we don't have. Between now and Thanksgiving, prayerfully consider what you can bring to God and trust Him to give you a story for His glory. Then faithfully use the holidays as opportunities for remembering Who God is and what He has done in your own life.