A Father’s Daughter

"If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
Matthew 7:11 (NIV)

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Father’s Day was last Sunday. It’s been sixteen years since I last saw my precious Daddy’s bright blue eyes and heard somebody affectionately call me “Baby.” Every Father’s Day I am reminded not only of my loss, but also of God’s precious gift of a good, good father. If I only had three words to describe my Daddy, I would choose the words love, provide, and protect.  He did those so well and I am so very grateful for his lifelong faithful sacrifice and service.

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Those three attributes along with the word “faithful” also describe my husband Bruce. Statistics indicate that approximately 50% of “typical” marriages today end in divorce. That number is much higher- 85-90%-for families with special needs children. I thank God every day for Bruce’s faithfulness, not just to me, but also to our children.

Not everyone, of course, has great earthly dads. I’ve been saddened this week as I read poignant pieces written by authors whose fathers were absent or evil. All of us, however, have a heavenly Father who is a good, good Father and a much more God who loves, provides, and protects us. (Matthew 7:11) The Fatherhood of God is one of Jesus’ major teaching themes throughout his earthly ministry. It is also one of the greatest blessings of our spiritual lives beyond the cross and resurrection. We, like Jesus, can now pray, “Our Father” (Matthew 6:9) and are now sons and daughters of the King.

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Saturday night as my family gathered together to celebrate Father’s Day with Bruce, I was struck afresh by God’s goodness. We had formed a family circle just before asking God’s blessing on our meal when two year old Mary Clayton, our youngest granddaughter, insisted we sing “God our Father” instead. Bruce gladly yielded to Mary Clayton’s request and we all sang:

God our Father, God our Father
We thank you, we thank you
For our many blessings, for our many blessings
Amen, Amen!

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A child’s blessing and a profound truth brought a tear to my eye and reminded me of another young woman’s blessing and prayer from years past. In 2006 Birmingham News Assistant Managing Editor Randy Henderson died at the age of 53 after an extended battle with cancer.  Randy’s daughter, Gloria Henderson Moses, wrote the prayer poem below for her Dad.

The Blessing of My Father
By Gloria Henderson Moses

Thank You, Lord, for my earthly father
Reflecting Father God to me.
A blessing too immense to measure,
Your power in his life to see. 

Through the years to bear as witness
Of his faithfulness to Thee
In health and joy or sorrow and sickness,
Your grace displayed beyond degree.

Humbled at my chance to watch him
Follow Thy commands with zeal,
Teaching me the countless lessons
From his display of faith so real.

Praise You for giving him such wisdom,
The heart of matters to discern.
From his dedicated study
A depth of knowledge helped us learn.

Honored for the chance to hear him
Teach Your truth throughout the years.
Touching lives, mine the foremost,
Brought Your Word to hearts and ears.

Thank You for giving him conviction
To do Your will despite the cost.
Following Abraham’s tradition
To obey You though all seems lost.

Known for adhering to your statutes,
From the truth he would not shift.
His integrity as my example,
Thank You for giving me this gift. 

Thank You for Your work within him.
Thank You for his work for me.
All his care and spiritual provision
Have turned my eyes and heart toward Thee.

I’ll always carry his example
On my mind and in my heart.
Praise You for giving him Your reflection,
The impact on me will never depart.