A Reason, a Season, a Lifetime

“If anything is excellent or praiseworthy—
think about such things.”
Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

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 I will gladly admit that I am a sucker for a good love story, so it’s not surprising that I, along with millions of other viewers, tuned in to watch Hallmark’s When Calls the Heart’s last episode of the season. Protagonist Elizabeth Thornton finally revealed her true heart’s choice of suitors at the end of season 8. As the final episode begins, Elizabeth is torn between her feelings for two worthy men, Nathan and Lucas. Elizabeth’s best friend, Rosemary Coulter, wisely tells her, “Elizabeth, people come into our lives—some for a reason; others for a season; and some for a lifetime.”

I believe the same can be said for the books that we read.  

Some books are helpful for a reason. Fault Lines and The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, two books that I recently recommended in the post found here, certainly fall into this category.  Both books are helpful for understanding Critical Race Theory (CRT). C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia and Sally Lloyd Jones’ The Jesus Storybook Bible are wonderful resources for parents in the child-rearing season of life. A precious few books, however, are good friends for a lifetime.

John Piper once observed, “Books don’t change people. Paragraphs do. Sometimes even sentences.”  There’s a lot of wisdom in Piper’s observation. Studies show that we only retain about 5% of what we hear and 10% of what we read. A good sentence, well written, can become a memorable maxim and a helpful resource in our everyday lives.

The non-fiction books listed below have shaped my life in very different, but equally important, ways.  For each topic, I’ve listed a category; my favorite books for that category; and one or two quotes or takeaways from these lifetime friends. I am sure that each of you could do the same for the books that have shaped your life.

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Christian Living
The Red Sea Rules , 10 God given strategies for difficult times, Robert J. Morgan

Life Takeaway: Red Sea Rule #1 – God knows where you are and He means for you to be there.  
Red Sea Rule #10 – Don’t forget to praise Him!
This little book is my all-time favorite practical guide to dealing with the stresses and messes of life. All of Morgan’s ten strategies are taken from principles found in Exodus 13-15. This passage details the account of the Israelites’ journey out of their slavery in Egypt and God’s deliverance through the Red Sea.  The Red Sea Rules is an easy two-hour read, but I’ve used and taught Morgan’s helpful strategies for the last twenty years. I highly recommend this book no matter your age or life stage.

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Open Heart, Open Home,  Karen Burton Maims
The Gospel Comes with a House Key,  Rosaria Butterfield
Life Takeaways:
“Open your heart before you open your home.” Maims
“Biblical hospitality is making people feel welcome, wanted, and worth the trouble.” Maims
“The Gospel comes with a house key.” Butterfield
“Words make worlds.” Butterfield

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Everybody’s Normal Till You Get to Know Them, John Ortberg
Love One Another,  Gerald Sittser
Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Life Takeaways:
Community is “reciprocal rootedness,” that sense of belonging for which we all long. Ortberg
Everybody comes “as is.” Ortberg
The New Testament “one another” verses are the mutuality commands or “house rules” for the Church.  

A Grief Observed, C.S. Lewis
Not by Accident, Isabelle Fleece
Holding onto Hope, Nancy Guthrie

Life Takeaway: “God’s grace is always sufficient, but it’s no anesthetic for the pain; it still hurts.” Isabelle Fleece

A Path through Suffering, Elisabeth Elliot
Your Suffering is Never for Nothing, Elisabeth Elliot
Life takeaway: “Suffering is having what you don’t want or wanting what you don’t have.” Elisabeth Elliot
Discipline your emotions and do your next thing. Elliot

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The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The King’s Cross, Tim Keller
Women of the Word, Jen Wilkin
Life Takeaway: “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” Bonhoeffer

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Radical Gratitude, Ellen Vaughn
1000 Gifts, Ann Voskamp
Life Takeaway: God gives gifts of grace; we give thanks; the result is joy, Voskamp
Be the One! (who gives thanks!) Vaughn

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The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom
Shadow of the Almighty, Elisabeth Elliot
A Chance to Die, Elisabeth Elliot
Life Takeaway:
“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot
“There are no ‘ifs’ in God’s kingdom…His will is our hiding place.” Corrie ten Boom

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Some books, like friends, come into our lives for a reason; others for a season; and some for a lifetime. God uses both to shape our lives. Paul wisely instructs us to think on excellent things. What you watching? What- or who-are you listening to? What are you reading? How are these books shaping your life? Are they excellent?

If anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on these things!