God’s Glory Displayed

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 19:1 (NIV)

In one of our last Bible Bits I wrote about our recent beach trip and the spectacular aerial show displayed by a Navy fighter jet. The sleek jet was fast, loud, and precise. The plane's pilot was competent and skilled, accomplished in both flying and impressing those who watched below. On the beach all eyes were up trying to catch a glimpse before the jet passed. There were no exceptions; kids, parents, grandparents, young and old strained to see the jet as it flew past and went vertical.  One flyover was impressive enough, but the exact scenario played out seven times before the pilot completed his air show.  Each time the jet passed all eyes went up, everyone looking at the wonder of both man and machine. It was truly an amazing sight. But the beauty, power, and intricacy that we watched and at which we marveled was no comparison to the skill and craftsmanship of God’s handiwork displayed all around me. All I had to do was look and see:

  • Millions of tiny grains of sand, all numbered by God (Genesis 32:12)

  • Children playing in the surf, no two alike and all fearfully and wonderfully made image bearers of God (Psalm 139:14)

  • Gentle waves on the shoreline that only go so far and then go back and then do it all again (Job 38:11)

  • Countless sea shells, delighting adults and children alike

  • Sea gulls soaring high and suddenly diving for food before taking flight again

  • Pelicans along the seashore

  • The warmth of the sun

  • Crystal clear blue sky with no clouds in sight (Psalm 19:1)

  • A dozen oil rigs off the coast drilling down to collect the treasure below hidden beneath the ocean’s floor

  • Gentle breeze coming off the gulf

  • Schools of fish jumping/splashing through the water reminding me how much more there is to the sea beyond that which I can actually see

  • Ocean waves white with foam

  • A playful porpoise swimming just off the shoreline


Each time I witnessed another aspect of God's handiwork, I recorded my observation and gave thanks for the beauty and diversity of His creation. The more I wrote, the more I saw. And I remembered John Piper's insightful, "There are eyes in pencils and pens." It wasn't hard to look around and find things for which to be thankful. Seven weeks of pandemic quarantine made us all thankful to be outside, on the beach, and free from face masks.  

Later that morning I contemplated some of the things that I can’t see, but get to enjoy & experience:

  • The truth and beauty of God's Word

  • The love of a faithful husband

  • The privilege of parenting

  • The joy of grandparenting

  • The gift of friendship

  • The discovery of a toddler

  • The development of language skills by my youngest granddaughter

The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans in 56AD wrote, "God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."  (Romans 1:19,20) God's power, creativity, and divine nature were certainly displayed that day on the beach. But God doesn't limit his speech to the beach. Wherever we are today, let's keep our eyes up and open, awakened to His glory on display all around us. And then give thanks, not just for the gift displayed, but also to the Good Giver who provides it.

"Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens." Psalm 8:1

Amen and Amen,
