Strengthened by God’s Word

"Strengthen me according to your word." Psalm 119:28 (NIV)


By now most of you like me have probably been inundated with a plethora of 2020 Bible reading plans or "Top 10/Can't Miss/Must Read" book lists all designed to get us reading more and digging deeper into God's Word. There's nothing wrong with the plans or lists, of course; but I usually find myself reading LESS of God's Word and more of someone else's as I try to determine which plan or list to follow. And I don't think I'm alone. Experts tell us that while the Bible is the best selling book of all time, it is also the least read. 

Author Paul David Tripp writing today in his weekly Wednesday's Word series gives us his top five reasons for opening his Bible:

1. "The Bible Gives Identity

2. The Bible Gives Understanding

3. The Bible Gives Comfort

4. The Bible Gives Salvation

5. The Bible Gives Hope"

"Train yourself to read the Bible as a story. This story has one central character: God himself, specifically in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. From cover to cover, the Bible is a narrative of God’s wondrous works and the blessings that are yours by grace. This old, old story imparts identity, understanding, comfort, salvation, and hope. Has it become your favorite story to read every day?"

The Apostle Peter tells us that God has given us everything we need for life and godliness: His Word and His Spirit (2 Peter 1:3). Other people's words may help increase our understanding, but God's Word is foundational to our spiritual life and wellbeing. Let's take God at His Word and read it. If we truly want to get a handle on God's word in 2020, we need to hear it; read it; study it; memorize it; and meditate on it. 

And may the prayer of our heart for 2020 be that of the Psalmist long ago: "Strengthen me according to your word." (Psalm 119:28)