The Wise Woman’s Bucket List

"But the Lord stood at me side and gave me strength..."
2 Timothy 4:14-18 (NIV)


I've just returned from a weekend retreat with a group of very special women: house moms from both the Big Oak Boys Ranch and Big Oak Girls Ranch.  The Big Oak Ranch Auxiliary hosted our retreat and made sure that we were treated royally. This year's retreat theme was The Wise Woman's Bucket List, a study of Proverbs. Every verse in the thirty-one chapters of Proverbs will fit into one of ten categories or buckets:

  • The fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7)

  • Guard your heart - (Proverbs 4:23)

  • Watch your words - (Proverbs 18:21)

  • Control your appetites - (Proverbs 23:1-3)

  • Maintain right relationships - (Proverbs 2:12-22)

  • Pursue your work - (Proverbs 6:6-1)1

  • Manage your resources - (Proverbs 3:9-10)

  • Cultivate character- (Proverbs 31:10)

  • Walk in wisdom - (Proverbs 8:11)

  • Know God - (Proverbs 9:10)

In many ways I felt like I was preaching to the choir! These women don't just understand stewardship; they model it. Each woman is investing her life and not just spending it. During our teaching session on maintaining right relationships, we looked at 2 Timothy 4:14-18. The Apostle Paul understood difficult relationships. In the passage, Paul lists three different relationships in his life:

  • A strong enemy- Alexander the metalworker; a former friend who not only opposed Paul personally but opposed the gospel message (4:14-15)

  • Weak friends who abandoned Paul in his time of need (4:16)

  • A strong Friend -The Lord who stood by His side and gave him strength (4:17-18)

Paul's response to each relationship is a model for each of us:

  • For Alexander, his enemy, Paul wrote, "The Lord will repay him for what he has done." No bitterness or retaliation, but no sugar coating the offense either. Paul left Alexander to God.

  • For his weak friends who deserted him, Paul prayed, "May it not be held against them."

  • For God who stood at his side with the ministry of Presence, Paul boldly proclaimed the gospel and gave God the praise. "To him be glory forever and ever. Amen."

All of us will at times experience difficult relationships. We will have enemies and will have or will be weak friends who fail to come through in a time of great need. Those of us who know Christ have a Forever Faithful Friend who stands at our side, ready to give strength, grace, and help in time of need. 

"What a Friend we have in Jesus!"

Amen and Amen!
