Timeless Truths

“What does the Lord require of you?”
Micah 6:8 (NIV)


How does the Lord want his people to live in a society that:

  • is rotten to the core.

  • is dominated by materialism and greed.

  • attempts to sideline the Christian faith by secularism.

  • or smothers the Christian faith with legalism and religious ritual?

How then shall we live?

These words certainly describe our current American culture. The situation described and the questions raised aren't unique to us, however. The words were actually penned by the prophet Micah over 2700 years ago and are recorded in the book of Micah. Micah's letter to the nation of Judah is found near the end of the Old Testament or as one pastor quipped, "in the clean pages of your Bible." Our women's Bible study group is finishing our ten-week Minor Prophets survey tomorrow night. For our final lesson, we're all bringing our top Minor Prophets series takeaways. Top takeaways are the most important observations, applications, or insights gleaned during the course of our time together. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers and sometimes our answers are very different. But it's fascinating to see everyone's "Best of the Best" Top Takeaways.

Here are some of my Top Minor Prophets takeaways:

  • God's Word is both timeless and timely. 

  • God's absolute sovereignty - He reigns and rules over kings and kingdoms, nations, and governments.

  • God's faithfulness to keep His promises.

  • Gods hatred of and judgment of sin; the devastating consequences of sin.

  • Our need to get right with God; the prophets announce a clarion call for us to remember; repent; return; and be restored. 

  • The goal of repentance is always restoration; first with God and then with men.

  • Repentance is not remorse. Repentance involves recognition of and sorrow for my sin; accepting personal responsibility; having a responsive heart; and a restored relationship. Remorse focuses on the consequences of my actions; is "me centered;" and has sorrow, not for the sin, but for the consequences.

  • The coming of Messiah- Jesus is the Ultimate Prophet, Priest and King.

  • The importance and priority of building. God WILL build His church and He expects us to build it as well. (See Haggai and Zechariah)

  • Obedience is God's love language.

Micah didn't just ask the "how then should we then live question." He answered it: "Do justice; love mercy; and walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)

Timeless and timely truths.

Amen and Amen,
