Why is Brucie’s Brain Broken?

"We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power and the wonders he has done." Psalm 78:4 (NIV)


Last week's family beach vacation didn't just provide some precious memories; it also provided some priceless teachable moments for all of us.

Hunting seashells with 3-year old Caroline, I experienced anew the wonder of God's creation. My teachable moment came as I contemplated the Divine Design of seashells and children. Each one is fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14) and no two are exactly alike. Sitting in the sand along the ocean's edge as the waves rolled in and out, watching Caroline's wonder and delight with each new sea shell find, the words of Psalm 19:1 came to my mind: "The heavens declare the glory of God."   And so do seashells and little girls.

As I pointed Caroline to another seashell, I casually asked her, "Caroline, who made seashells?"

Caroline didn't hesitate as she replied, "God."

Next question. "Who made you, Caroline?" I asked.

Again, without hesitation, Caroline answered, "God!"

"That's right," I said. "God made you and He made you so special. What else did God make?"

This time Caroline hesitated. "All things," I told her. "God made all things for His own glory."

Another teachable moment came, but this one was bittersweet. We were at the pool one afternoon. I was sitting on the edge of the pool watching everyone play or swim when 5- year old Julia swam over. I could tell by the look on her face that something was wrong.

"Julia, what's wrong?" I asked.

Softly Julia asked me, "Mia, why is Brucie's brain broken?"

And with that question, my heart and time almost stopped. I quickly prayed an "O God, help me!" dart prayer, asking God for wisdom with my reply.

"Julia, Brucie is just the way God made him. God made Brucie special, just like He made you special, but in a different way. And He made all of us- you, Brucie, Mia, Papa- for His own glory."

The look of relief on Julia's face let me know that she had accepted my explanation. What Julia couldn't know, is that I have probably asked God the "why is Brucie's brain broken" question thousands of times over the last 33 years of his life. And each time, there is comfort and peace in clinging to the truth that God made James Bruce exactly as he is. And His reason for doing so is the same reason that He made each of us: for His own glory. I don't pretend to understand God's ways but I know there is great peace in my acceptance of that truth.

David Qaoud reflecting on God's sovereignty writes, "Fewer doctrines of the Christian faith are more comforting than the sovereignty of God. It humbles you in good seasons, provides hope in hard seasons, and gives joy in all seasons. The doctrine of God's sovereignty is a constant nourishment for the soul. The sovereignty of God is a sweet pillow that you can lay your head on at night. It is a beautiful truth not only that God is in control over all, but is also working everything out- the good and the bad--for your good and for His glory. This sweet doctrine is medicine for the soul that you can take in any season of life.

God's sovereignty is indeed a sweet doctrine, but it is never an easy doctrine. We can rest in the fact that God can handle both our questions and our suffering because He is God and we are not. We see God's sovereignty most brilliantly displayed in Christ's work on the cross. What men intended for evil, God used for our good and for His glory. Aaron Keye's song "King Forevermore" beautifully describes the cross of Christ with these words from the third verse:

Mighty God in mortal flesh

Forsaken by a traitor's kiss

The curse of sin and centuries

Did pierce the lovely Prince of Peace

Lifted high, the sinless man

Crucified, the spotless Lamb

Buried by the sons of man

Rescued by the Father's hand

To reign as King forever

Reign as King forever

Reign as King forevermore

The effective transfer of truth one generation to the next is always both intentional and relational. Intentional in that we get the message out of our mouths. Relational in that we earn the right to be heard.

Teachable moments and timeless truths - all for our good and God's glory!