
“What great love the Father has lavished on us
 that we should be called children of God!
1 John 3:1 (NIV) 

Adoption – “instating as a son” (Greek definition) 

There were lots of happy tears shed in Judge Allison Boyd’s courtroom Tuesday afternoon when our youngest granddaughter’s adoption became final after an agonizing four month wait.  Sweet Birdie James slept through the entire proceeding while her parents, grandparents, and family friends waited anxiously for the judge’s final verdict. 

We needn’t have worried. As we entered her courtroom, Judge Boyd told us all to relax. She assured us that all the legal paperwork was in order or we wouldn’t be in her courtroom. Judge Boyd also guaranteed that Tuesday afternoon would be a happy one before proceeding with the required legal formalities.   

Before signing the final adoption decree, Judge Boyd asked Birdie’s parents one very important question: “Why have you chosen adoption?” Their remarks were much too personal to be shared here, but the judge’s question was a poignant reminder that adoption is indeed a choice. J.I. Packer, author of Knowing God, writes:

Adoption, by its very nature is an act of free kindness to the person adopted. If you become a father by adopting a son or daughter, you do so because you choose to, not because you are bound to. Similarly, God adopts because he chooses to. He had no duty to do so. He need not have done anything about our sins except punish us as we deserved. But he loved us; so he redeemed us, forgave us, took us as his sons and daughters, and gave himself to us as our Father.”

Before signing the final adoption decree, Judge Boyd told Birdie’s parents, “You adopted Birdie into your hearts before you ever adopted her in this courtroom.”  She then reminded Birdie’s new parents that from now on Birdie would have a new name, a new birth certificate, a new identity, and a new family.   

I was struck as I listened to the judge’s words at how much Birdie’s earthly adoption reflects on a small scale the reality of what happens when anyone turns from sin and turns to Christ. We immediately get a new name. We who are sinners are now declared to be saints, not on the basis of what we’ve done, but on the merit and sufficiency of what Christ did on the cross. We also get a new record, a new family, and a new forever home.

The Westminster Confession chapter twelve gives us a formal definition and analysis of what adoption means for a Christian:

All those that are justified, God vouchsafeth, in and for His only Son Jesus Christ, to make partakers of the grace of adoption: by which they are taken into the number and enjoy the liberties and privileges of the children of God; have His name put upon them, receive the Spirit of adoption; have access to the throne of grace with boldness; are enabled to cry, Abba, Father; are pitied, protected, provided for, and chastened by Him, as by a father, yet never cast off, but sealed to the day of redemption, and inherit the promises, as heirs of everlasting salvation.” 

Our family is so very grateful for Birdie’s birth mom who chose to give her daughter life and then chose our son and his wife to be her parents. We are also grateful for the light, life, and joy that Birdie James brings to our family. Her first name means “light” and this little girl has brought a lot of light into the grief that we’ve all experienced since James Bruce’s death. We are also thankful for God’s providence and provision in bringing this child into our family and for everyone who prayed on our behalf.

Isaiah 45:11 (NASB) is one of my “go to” prayer verses for my children and grandchildren: “Ask Me about the things to come concerning My sons and you commit to Me the work of My hands.”

And so I pray for Birdie James asking God to allow her to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). I also ask that God, by His Spirit and for His glory, will make her:

  • A child of the King (salvation)

  • A credit to the Kingdom (character & conduct) and

  • A servant of the King (service)

Welcome to our family Birdie James! We love you very much!