
“There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son,
all the way you went until you reached this place.”
Deuteronomy 1:31 (NIV)

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Bruce and I want to thank everyone for praying for us as we finished settling James Bruce into Rainbow Omega, his long-term residential community for adults with intellectual disabilities, yesterday. It was a day filled with lots of paperwork and planning meetings, but we finished setting up James Bruce’s new room, met Rainbow Omega key staff, spent some time with his house manager, and once again toured the Rainbow Omega employment center and day program classrooms.

House B, James Bruce’s new home at Rainbow Omega

House B, James Bruce’s new home at Rainbow Omega

The RO staff insured an easy handoff and transition from parents to caregivers by introducing James Bruce to other residents and staff while we slipped out about 3:30 PM Thursday afternoon. There were no tears or emotional meltdowns for which we are most grateful. I'll be writing more about it on the Bible Bits blog in the coming days, but for now, please know that we literally felt carried by all of your prayers. We covet them in the days ahead as we adjust to an unusually quiet house; an empty place at our table; and nights praying that James Bruce isn't scared or lonely. His year long Covid world of sleeping in as long as he likes will be upended at 6AM each day with a full day and a regular schedule. All good things for both him and us. We won’t be able to see him for several weeks.

Recreation area outside House B

Recreation area outside House B

This transition has been a very long and uncertain process over the last several years. Many of you have been a large part of our special needs parenting journey as you have faithfully walked this winding path with us step by step with many stops or detours along the way. We praise the Lord for His kind provision of James Bruce's long-term residential placement as well as God’s perfect timing for this important life change.

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We are confident that James Bruce is in very competent, capable, and compassionate hands. Bruce and I were touched deeply this morning when the Rainbow Omega office manager called early to check on US! Truthfully, I didn’t get teary until I saw James Bruce’s handprints all over my deck doors.  I suddenly realized that after years of cleaning them and fussing at him, I can now Windex my door windows and there will be no JB handprints, at least until he comes home for a weekend visit.

Bruce and I are so very grateful for every prayer prayed on James Bruce’s behalf. You have loved us well.  We look forward to seeing what this next chapter of our lives will look like.  Our prayer is that we will steward this life season well.  Charles Spurgeon once wrote, “Have your tools ready and God will find you work.” Our tools are ready and we are willing to work. No matter what, James Bruce and Rainbow Omega will certainly be a large part of our Evans’ Story for God’s Glory as we continue to “gather up the pieces that nothing will be lost.” John 6:12
