Rejoice and Be Glad

"This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 (NKJV)


Monday afternoon my heart was as heavy as the dark gray clouds that hung low over the Vestavia Hills golf course.  The dreary day contributed to my overall gloominess as I reflected on the weekend that had just ended. It all began about 7AM on Friday morning when the staff at Mama's assisted living facility called to tell us that Mama had fallen some time during the night. They found her in the floor and though she didn't appear to be hurt, the staff felt like she needed to be checked out by a physician. I quickly drove to the retirement home and brought her to my house trying to decide what to do and whom to see. The assisted living had just changed physicians on December 31 and Mama was caught between the two. Most of us know that Fridays aren't a good time to walk into any doctor or dentist's office with no appointment and no prior history. My sweet sister-in-law Sandra came over and agreed to go with me to the nearest Urgent Care so that Bruce could stay home and take care of James Bruce. Mama's mobility has become so limited that it physically takes two of us to transport her with her wheelchair and walker. The Urgent Care folks refused to treat her and instructed us to go to a nearby Emergency Room. We loaded everything and Mama back into my car and headed for the ER.

A wise man once wrote, "Two are better than one." (Ecclesiastes 4:9) Sandra and I weighed different options and prayed for wisdom as Mama rested in the back seat. Once at the Emergency Room, I was able to complete paperwork and provide insurance information while Sandra worked with the hospital staff to get Mama seen quickly. Together, Sandra and I have other 80 years of health care experience. Both of us expected a long wait despite our prayers for God's grace and favor. It turned out that Mama's unwitnessed fall was our ticket for getting evaluated quickly. We had a CT scan within 30 minutes and a urinary tract infection diagnosis within an hour. Over the entire 3.5 -hour visit we got all of the lab work and radiology reports needed for this week's two doctor visits. Mama received much needed IV antibiotics and fluid for hydration. The staff and ER physician were both kind and competent; the ER was quiet and clean; and Mama rested as the antibiotics and IV fluids infused. Sandra and I got an uninterrupted chance to talk and try to decide on next steps, not just for Mama, but also for our extended family. By the time we left both of us realized that Mama's fall was indeed a blessing in disguise. 

Fast forward to Monday afternoon and driving school carpool with my seven year old granddaughter.  As usual Julia hopped into my car and quickly began telling me about her day at school.  We were about halfway to her house when we rounded the intersection at the golf course. From across the skyline, I could barely see the mountains through the dense fog and heavy gray clouds.

"Oh, Julia, it's such a dreary, gloomy day," I said as I surveyed the clouds.

Julia didn't miss a beat as she quickly responded, "Oh, Mia! This IS the day the Lord has made and we WILL rejoice and be glad in it."

Stricken, I began laughing. "Yes, it is and yes, we will."

Julia didn't know anything about my churning and burning heart. She knew nothing about the fear, anxiety, and frustration surrounding the myriad caregiving tasks and decisions involving both Mama and James Bruce's care. But Julia knew God's Word and how to use it when needed. God used Julia and His Word to remind me that joy isn't just a fruit of the Spirit; it's a choice of my will to obey. God's Word spoken by a seven year old reminded me that even when I can't change my circumstances, I can, by the power of God's Spirit, change my response to my circumstances. Indeed, His Word is living, active, and sharper than a two edged to judge the thoughts and attitudes of my heart." (Hebrews 4:12)

This morning, the rain is still falling and a tornado watch has just been issued. But this IS the day the Lord has made; I WILL rejoice and be glad in it.